juillet 3, 2024

Elephants in Kenya call each other by name!

@Born free fondation

Amazing discovery in Africa: a scientific study revealed that elephants in Kenya call each other by their names!

It’s a fascinating story from Africa, specifically Kenya, where researchers have discovered that elephants use names to talk to each other. Yes, you read that right! These majestic giants of the savanna recognize and call each other by name, just like us humans.

Elephants live in families and are known for their great intelligence and extraordinary memory. But did you know that they also have their own language? Curious scientists spent months listening to and observing the elephants. Through recordings and careful analysis, they discovered that each elephant has a unique « name, » a special sound that others use to call them.

Imagine a big family gathering of elephants, where everyone knows and calls each other by their first names! For example, when an elephant wants to talk to his friend, he makes a special sound that his friend immediately recognizes. It’s a bit like you shouting, « Hey, Leo! » and Leo responding with a smile.

This discovery is very important because it shows how social and intelligent elephants are. They don’t just communicate for simple things, but they also have complex relationships, just like us. Scientists hope that this discovery will help better protect these magnificent creatures because understanding their way of life and communication is essential for their conservation.

In addition to their names, elephants use a variety of sounds to express different emotions and situations. They can growl, trumpet, or even emit infrasound (sounds that humans cannot hear) to talk to each other. These communications help them stay in touch, even when they are far apart in the vast African savanna.

So, the next time you hear about elephants, remember that they are not only big and strong but also very chatty and organized. Thanks to science, we know a bit more about these gentle and intelligent giants. Maybe one day, we can even learn to better speak their language!

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