
A plastic-eating insect discovered in Kenya!

Scientists in Kenya have found a small beetle capable of breaking down plastics like polystyrene—a promising discovery in the fight against global plastic pollution.

In Kenya, researchers uncovered an incredible insect: the darkling beetle, commonly found on farms. This insect—or more specifically, its larvae—can consume and degrade plastics such as polystyrene and polyethylene. These materials are among the hardest to recycle, causing severe harm to our planet.

The larvae host special bacteria in their guts that transform plastic into biodegradable components, much like earthworms turning organic waste into compost.

This discovery could pave the way for a natural solution to clean up plastic waste. However, scientists still need to conduct extensive research to ensure this method can be used safely without harming nature or creating new challenges.

An idea that could change the world—but with cautious steps ahead!

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