
A Summit for clean cooking in Sub-Saharan Africa


A historic summit has been organized to address the issue of cooking food in Sub-Saharan Africa, which is responsible for many health and environmental problems.

Imagine this: to cook a meal, you use a little wood or charcoal, a few stones, and voilà! That’s the daily routine for 2.3 billion people on Earth, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. But did you know that these cooking methods can be dangerous for health and the environment?

Indeed, these open cooking fires or stoves emit fine particles, often indoors, that can cause serious illnesses like cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and even pneumonia in children. Additionally, they contribute to greenhouse gases, which are harmful to our planet.

To address this issue, a special summit was held in Paris by the International Energy Agency and the African Development Bank. Its objective? To find solutions for cleaner and safer cooking in Sub-Saharan Africa. This is important to protect people’s health and preserve our environment!

It’s a significant step forward for a healthier and greener world. Let’s hope that this summit will lead to concrete actions to improve the living conditions of millions of people in Sub-Saharan Africa.

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