
Anita Antwiwaa and the Stars

Anita Antwiwaa is an engineer from Ghana. She loves space and leads a space technology laboratory. She also helps girls to love science and technology.

Anita Antwiwaa is a talented engineer from Ghana. She leads operations at the Space Systems Technology Laboratory (SSTL) at All Nations University. She and her team visit primary and secondary schools to promote STEM education with space technology.

Anita has always loved space. She earned her degrees in India and Ghana, despite her family’s doubts. Now, she’s an engineering department head and inspires girls to pursue their dreams.

In 2017, her team launched GhanaSat-1, the first satellite made by Ghanaian engineers. It takes photos of Earth and watches Ghana’s coast. Anita encourages girls to join STEM fields, showing them they can achieve anything, just like she did.

Anita is often the only woman in her field, but she works hard and proves her worth. She believes women in technical fields need support to break barriers and succeed.

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