juillet 3, 2024

Niger : meningitis vaccination campaign to save lives

@Medecins sans frontières

In Niger, a heroic vaccination campaign is underway to combat the potentially deadly epidemic of meningitis. Discover how the country is fighting this threat and saving lives.

In Niger, a vital battle is being waged against a formidable disease: meningitis. Since mid-March, an epidemic has struck the country, affecting over 2,000 people and causing 123 deaths. To combat this scourge, a vaccination campaign has been launched in Niamey, the capital, as well as in other regions of the country such as Agadez, Zinder, and Dosso.

Meningitis is a serious illness that causes inflammation of the tissues surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Symptoms include fever, stiffness of the neck, sensitivity to light, headaches, and vomiting. Faced with this threat, measures are being taken to contain the spread of the disease, including surveillance, patient care, and vaccination.

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