septembre 19, 2024

The Big United Nations meeting has started

Hello young citizens of the world!  Did you know that in September, there’s a big meeting where leaders from around the world gather in New York, USA, to discuss very important things? It’s the United Nations General Assembly!

Every year in September, representatives from nearly all countries come together in New York for this major event. It’s like a huge conference where each country gets a chance to speak, listen, and share ideas to improve our planet.

In 2024, this meeting is especially important because leaders will discuss big challenges like climate change, children’s rights, and world peace. It’s an opportunity for all countries to work together to find solutions and make progress for everyone.

Africa is also very present at this meeting! Many African countries send their presidents, ministers, and representatives to share their experiences and needs. For example, discussions on fighting poverty and sustainable development in Africa are on the agenda.

These discussions can lead to projects that will help children and families around the world. It’s like each country is bringing pieces of a puzzle to build a better future for all of us!

So, even if you’re young, know that these meetings are very important for creating a fairer and more harmonious world.

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