Language is a treasure that allows us to communicate and share our culture. A new book, supported by UNESCO, explains to children why it is important to protect all the languages of the world.
A fascinating book called What Makes Us Human invites children to discover the importance of languages. Written by Victor Santos and illustrated by Anna Forlati, it takes the form of a riddle to show that language is much more than just a way to speak.
Today, there are around 7,000 languages, but many are at risk of disappearing. UNESCO supports their preservation by helping to translate this book into multiple languages, such as Mapuzugún, spoken by the Mapuche people in Chile.
Nevenca Cayullán, a Mapuche teacher, translated the book into her native language. « Language is a living treasure, » she says. « It carries our culture and identity.
« This book reminds children that every language is precious and must be protected!