
Magical rains in the Sahara!

Recently, the Sahara Desert, known for its heat, was surprised by heavy rains that transformed the landscape. Let’s discover this incredible adventure together!

The Sahara is the largest hot desert in the world and stretches across several countries in Africa. Usually, it is a very dry place where it rarely rains. But then, for two days, the sky decided to pour down a large amount of water!

Meteorological officials reported that it hadn’t rained this much in such a short time for decades. In Tagounite, a town in southeastern Morocco, over 100 millimeters of rain fell in just one day. It’s as if the desert received a big shower!

These rains were caused by a phenomenon called an extratropical storm. This means that the air can hold more moisture, which creates thunderstorms. Because of this, lakes even appeared in places that had been dry for 50 years!

Amazing images show lakes filled with water where there was once only sand. This could change the weather conditions in the region in the coming months. Scientists believe that, due to climate change, storms like this could become more frequent. The Sahara, with its dunes and starry sky, is undergoing an incredible transformation thanks to the magic of rain!

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