
The incredible story of Awa and Ibrahim : from Dakar to Auschwitz

Today, I want to tell you about a truly fascinating and touching story that takes place during World War II. It’s the story of Awa, a young woman from Senegal, and her husband Ibrahim. Gabriel Souleyka, a talented author, wrote a book about their incredible adventure titled « Soul Thieves ».

Awa lived in Dakar, Senegal, where she was a vibrant nurse. She had just married Ibrahim, the man she loved, and they dreamed of a happy future together. But on September 3, 1939, everything changed when France and the United Kingdom declared war on Nazi Germany. Ibrahim, like many others, was sent to the front lines in Europe to fight.

Awa, who was pregnant and sad, occasionally received letters from her husband trying to comfort her. But one day, she learns that Ibrahim is missing. Devastated, she decides to go search for him, even though it seems almost impossible.

In January 1942, Awa leaves Dakar for Paris. There, she joins a resistance group that helps persecuted people. She finds refuge at the Grand Mosque of Paris, where she meets others in distress. Her efforts and courage are truly impressive!

But Awa’s adventure doesn’t stop there. She is eventually deported to Auschwitz, a very dangerous concentration camp. It is there, in this terrible place, that Awa reunites with Ibrahim! Together, they manage to escape, vowing to survive and tell their story so that the horrors of the war are not forgotten.

Unfortunately, their happiness is short-lived. Ibrahim and Awa are captured again and executed with other friends. Their story demonstrates the strength of love and courage, even in the darkest moments.

Gabriel Souleyka, the author of « Soul Thieves », tells this story with great respect and accuracy. He shows us how Awa and Ibrahim displayed solidarity and bravery in the face of adversity. The book also discusses the often-overlooked contributions of African soldiers during the war.

Souleyka uncovered many things while researching this period, and he wants to ensure these stories are known by all. He even visited important places to understand and recount this past.

The story of Awa and Ibrahim reminds us that every person has a unique story and that even the darkest moments can be brightened by the strength of love and hope. So next time you face a challenge, remember their courage and determination.

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