juillet 3, 2024

8th China-Africa Youth Festival: Friends from around the World

Hundreds of young people gathered to exchange, dance, and build bridges between China and Africa during the 8th China-Africa Youth Festival in Beijing. They shared ideas about the future, learned together, and celebrated diversity.

In the bustling city of Beijing, China, a grand festival took place where young people from Africa and China came together to become friends and talk about their future together. For a week, they played, danced, and discussed what is important to them.

« Young people are the builders of tomorrow »

 This festival, which began several years ago, is not just a party. It’s also a place where young people can talk about important topics like education, environment, and jobs. The Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs said, « Young people are the builders of tomorrow, and we want to help them build a better future. »

The youth discussed how they can learn from each other by going to different schools and sharing ideas. A professor from a university in China explained that this is important for building beautiful things together. Culture was also very important at the festival. The young people showcased their traditional dances and songs. They also drew and painted pictures together to show how they see the world.

« We will continue to be friends »

The youth also talked about working together on projects to help people have food, energy, and jobs. They want to be friends and work together for a better world. A young person from South Africa said, « This is just the beginning. We will continue to be friends and work together. »

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