
The Trans Morocco Trail : an unforgettable adventure in Morocco!

The Trans Morocco Trail (TMT) is a brand new adventure route of 3,000 km across Morocco. Created by two English adventurers, Chris Scott and Ed Gill, this trail promises unforgettable moments for both young and old!

The Trans Morocco Trail, or TMT, is like a little brother to the Trans Euro Trail. Imagine crossing Morocco on a motorcycle or in a 4×4! This route starts at Cap Nador on the beautiful Mediterranean coast and ends at Cap Draa on the Atlantic shore. Along the way, you’ll see incredible landscapes, from majestic mountains to vast deserts.

The TMT allows you to discover Morocco’s treasures. It traverses secondary roads and tracks, giving you the chance to see nature in all its glory. Whether it’s the Rekkam plateau or the Atlas Mountains, every turn reveals a new surprise. It’s like a big treasure hunt in a country filled with colors and cultures!

But beware, this adventure is not for the faint of heart! You need to be well-prepared and have good driving skills. The roads can be challenging, and it’s important to have a suitable vehicle. It’s the perfect challenge for adventurers who want to test their limits.

Getting started is easy, thanks to ferries from Spain and France. Once your journey is complete at Cap Draa, you simply need to take a short ride back to Tan Med to catch the ferry.

The TMT even offers GPS tracks that you can download for free to follow your itinerary. This data is regularly updated so that you never get lost on this fantastic adventure!

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